Shopping Basket
& Checkout  

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How to Order

  1. Register with us. Opening an online account will enable you to shop with us more conveniently, without the hassle of picking up the phone or repeating your address to us and so forth. You will also be able to keep a record of your past orders, and track your current one.

    All you have to do is ensure you are 18 years of age or over, and possess a valid PayPal account or Credit/Debit Card useable with PayPal.

    (Note: If you are a returning customer shopping online, please proceed to Log in or use the same button on the upper right corner of our homepage.)

  2. Select the products you wish to order by clicking “Buy Now” to add to your shopping basket.

  3. When you are ready to complete the order, proceed to “checkout”.

  4. A series of dialogue boxes will guide you through the checkout process. If you wish to amend your order at any time, you can go back to the basket to make the changes, or you can empty the basket and start over.

  5. An automated message will appear on the website immediately after you have checked out.

  6. You will receive a confirmation email along with a summary of your order.


Alternatively, you could call us on +852-2366 2733 and place your order verbally.
Please see Self-pickup & Delivery for cut-off times and fulfilment options.

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